Benefits & Features

Reduce Solar Heat Gain – Reflects / Absorbs Heat
– Range from combined 40% to 80% of total

Reduce Radiant Heat Loss – Our Low-e Films Slow Heat Transfer through Windows
– Range from 4% to 65% of total

Safety and Security – Helps hold broken glass together
– Some products on plain glass treated with window films meet the same shatter tests as tempered glass.

Help Reduce Fading – by absorbing Ultraviolet radiation
– Our films absorb 99+% of the UV

Balance Hot/Cold Spots in your Home – by slowing the heat transfer through the glass
– 4 to 80% of total

Reduce Glare – by controlling light transmission
– different degrees of glare reduction achievable.

Scratch Resistant – All of our films come with a superior scratch resistant coating
– the latest technology provides a surface that will withstand normal cleaning and maintenance abrasion.

Click Here for Vista Film Specs

Call Glass Enhancements Today at 815-877-0400

Looking for a tinter to handle automotive clients 3-5 days/wk. Likely lead into full-time depending on job performance. We can train the right person with limited experience, must have some experience.
Applicant must be reliable, trustworthy, and interested in working. We offer paid holiday/vacation in addition to competitive per tint job compensation.
  Application Form